(732) 721-4700
[email protected]
Custom Contract R&D
Custom Syntheses
Process Research/Scale-Up
Analytical Method Development and Impurity Isolation
20,000 sq. ft. facility
Seven non-GMP labs
Two GMP labs
Multiple 100 L GL and 200 L SS reactors
Schedule II-V Controlled Substance License
Specialized Hydrogenation capability
Specialty polymer and biopolymers
Multi-step synthesis & complex process
Diversified & versatile experience in various aspects of chemistry and process
Creative, Innovative, Cost effective solutions
Contract Toll Manufacturing
Our Feature Products
- Products Under Development
- Latest / New Products
- Unique / Interesting Products
- Versatile Building Blocks

Explore Our Core Services

CRO Services
- Custom non-GMP Synthesis
- cGMP Synthesis
- Contract Research
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Process Chemistry
- Route Scouting
- Analytical Method Development
- Clinical Phase I & II Studies
- Reference compounds
- Drug metabolites
- Process impurities

CMO Services
Chemo Dynamics stands ready with the expertise to conduct small-scale manufacturing under both non-cGMP and cGMP requirements.
- Scale up and Kg Scale Production
- Custom and Toll Manufacturing
- Back end Supplier
- Stability Studies

Discover our full strength
- GC With Autosampler And Chemstation Software
- Headspace Analyzer
- HPLC With Autosampler And Several Detectors
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
- Polarimeter

- Class 100,000 Isolated Suites
- Dedicated HVAC With HEPA Filter
- 8 ft &12 ft Walk-in Hood In Separate Rooms
- Raw Material and Product Quarantine Areas
- ICH Guidelines
- Up To 100L Glass Reactors
- Rotary Evaporator
Chemo Dynamics Goal: “Earn Trust & Confidence & Respect”. Chemo Dynamics Mission: To help clients gain faster entry into marketplace with better products competitively”
Our Facilities
20,000 sq.ft. Situated on 5 acres of land, Two cGMP Suites State of the art Analytical Lab. Seven Fully Equipped Wet Chemistry Labs.
Analytical Capabilities
HPLC Agilent 1100 series with Photodiode Array (PDA) Detector, variable wavelength detector (VWD), and refractive index (RI) detector.

Glassware: micro to 5L, Glass Vessels: 12 to 100L, High-Pressure Reactors: up to 200 psi, Stainless Steel Reactors: up to 80 gals.
cGMP Suites
Class 100,000 Isolated Suites, Dedicated Equipment, Fully validated Systems, HEPA-filtered, once through air, Epoxy Coated Surfaces.